Westerly 33 Ketch

“I have been surprised and very pleased at how easy and quick it is to set up Hydrovane, so it can be used even for short hops and sailing inshore, with variable winds.”

From: Trevor Fellowes
Sent: March 06, 2013
To: John Curry
Subject: Spare part for my Hydrovane

Hello John

I bought a unit from you in 2010 and fitted it myself. It has been excellent. I have not been on long ocean passages but I have circumnavigated Ireland and sailed from North West Scotland down the West coast of France and Northern Spain, where Candra is now moored till the Spring. I have been surprised and very pleased at how easy and quick it is to set up Hydrovane, so it can be used even for short hops and sailing inshore, with variable winds.

In fact I have just returned home from an Atlantic crossing on a friend’s boat that only had electric power self steering, and wow did that impress me how much better Hydrovane is, in several ways.

Anyway, that is pre-amble and feedback. I need a replacement part: the bottom collar.

Kind regards


From: Trevor Fellowes
Sent: March 06, 2013
To: John Curry
Subject: Re: Spare part for my Hydrovane – Bottom Collar


Yes you are welcome to quote me.

Here are two photos. One is in a stiff wind and sea (never looks as bad does it on film, except that small rock to left is actually just the top of impressive Skellig Michael off SW Ireland) when I was still learning about set and balance. So Hydrovane had to work harder than she should, but coped fine.

I think the second photo is at Ramsay, Isle of Man. Both show the extent to which Hydrovane is offset, but to no deficit. You might also be able to see a light line attached to the tiller, which I use to increase my maneuverability in tight spaces. In your website you cite the advantage of an extra rudder with someone attending to it, but this allows me the same benefit when solo. Sometimes it has enabled me to be brilliant, but I confess that the logistics of turning the wheel one way and pulling a cord for Hydrovane have sometimes been too much for my dexterity. On balance though it is a good trick and perhaps next season practice will make perfect.

I have fitted all new sails to Candra over the past two years. I redesigned the mizzen to have a high cat-cut and the ability to reef as a lateen so as to clear the top of Hydrovane. (Though in practice that is rarely a problem.) But I should also tell you that the Sailtainer in-boom reefing system is super and is an excellent pairing with Hydrovane because it allows infinite and easy reefing, thus keeping the balance optimal. If ever you were looking to acquire a new product for your company, I’d recommend it. Been around and improved over years.

Sorry to go on at length

Best wishes,

