Warrior 35

A nice read about cruising in Scotland. Culhwch is a wee “whatsit” that appears in all their photos for their grandson to spot.

“The Hydrovane does its amazing job”

From: Mike Downing
Sent: June-23-15 2
To: Valerie Williams
Subject: RE: 12 june to 21 june

Hi Valerie,

Naturally as a fan of the Hydrovane I’ve no objection to your request. Culhwch is unable to sign a release form but we hope that my authority as his guardian is acceptable?

Don’t worry you are not corresponding with a notorious ice cream thief!

Kind regards. Mike.

From: Valerie Williams
Sent: June 22, 2015
To: Mike Downing
Cc: Sarah Curry
Subject: RE: 12 june to 21 june

Hello Mike, Lynn & Culhwch,

Thank you for the most enjoyable update. Everyone at Hydrovane loved it and we would like your permission to print an excerpt, along with a photo of your Hydrovane and Culhwch.

I am a bit worried because you didn’t mention meeting up with the postmistress to pay for those ice cream cones!!!

Happy Sailing,


From: Mike Downing
Sent: June-21-15
Subject: 12 june to 21 june


Bagh Diraclett to Canna

A 04:30 start so it’s full daylight and with only 4 knots of breeze. On the way in avoiding the rocks seemed to follow a logical path. Now however, not only couldn’t I remember the way out but it all seemed completely wrong. Especially as during low water while anchored inside them, I had seen so many various different clusters of rocks. As usual though Lynns careful work with the chart plotters save us from serious trouble as we slowly crept our way out.

Once we got out past protection of the land its blowing 21 Knots. We will be running with the wind on our quarter but still a boisterous day to be crossing the Minch.

The Hydrovane does its amazing job. Lynn goes back to bed. Leaving me to enjoy the view, worry about the fishing boats that appear to have as much of a random course as sailing yachts must do to them and time to think…. how lucky I am to be doing this!

We have had a special request from the nice people at Hydrovane for some photos. Culhwch was happy to oblige. Please remember he is in every photo.

Mike and Lynn xx
