Vancouver 32

“ made little appreciable difference in reverse and if anything if improved in a go-forward aspect.”

“…as they say it does exactly what it says on the outside of the tin!”

Subject: Fantastic – First Time Out With Hydrovane
From: Paul Sellers
Date: Mon, April 20, 2009 6:28 am


What can I say ­ it works flawlessly on any point viz. close to the wind, broad reaching or downwind it made no difference.

The other astounding feature precluding any need for anything like a tiller block is that we simply put the tiller in an upright vertical position (unlocked) and the Hydrovane did all the rest including tacking and a controlled gybe ­ all simply by pulling the string. Incidentally on this latter point can the string be as short as you want or should it be of an ideal length ­ we simply used it kite like yesterday with an end held in each hand.

Similarly Bill was absolutely right as far as leaving the rudder stock in and locked for an aft position when manoeuvring in the marina confines ­it made little appreciable difference in reverse and if anything if improved in a go-forward aspect.

Although so far only experienced for a few hours it does seem a marvelous piece of engineering and the set-up just works as they say it does exactly what it says on the outside of the tin!

Best wishes – Paul

In Paul’s research for a Hydrovane he discovered the owner of another Vancouver 32 who has had a Hydrovane for many years. The following is more of our dialogue with Paul including the response he got from ‘Jabril’:

From: Paul Sellers
Sent: December-04-08 6:45 AM
To: John Curry
Subject: FW: Hydrovane for Vancouver 32

Will and John

Thanks for these prompt responses I think my preference if only aesthetically is for a centreline installation such as Jabril’s but needless to say I now feel assured about the manoeuvrability question – indeed I am copying you with comments made by Jabril’s owner that only reinforce your own comments.


Hello Paul

Just caught up with all the various thoughts and advice coming your way re Hydrovane etc.

1/ the tube mountings around the rudder provide an exceptionally robust protection for your rudder in the marina and the Hydrovane is an exceptionally strong machine – things bounce off them!! (I never leave the auxiliary rudder in situ when moored up for any time – to stop erosion of the rudder shaft housing)

2/ the Hydrovane is amazingly sensitive in light airs, to the point that she will try to steer even when there is not enough wind to sail properly – in a reasonably heavy V32 that needs 10k+ of wind to get going at all. ( as mentioned before it all comes down to sail trim)

3/ Never had any problems in astern – especially with a CJR or Kiwi prop giving you proper reverse thrust. Have had some very difficult mooring manoeuvres (single-handed!) in Dingle marina that is even tighter than Falmouth. Also many tight mooring games with strong tidal cross flow – the Hydrovane rudder does not seem to influence the astern “nuances” of a V32 – but have always had a variable pitch prop to help overcome all the natural sambas of a long keel hull.

4/ If the boarding ladder gets in the way of the mounting, take it off and use the Hydrovane mounts as the ladder. I sometimes sit on the tube mounts to lift heavy things onboard etc. also easier to get in and out of dinghy as the mounts project further out over
the Avon side and you can simply step straight in.

Give us a call when you get back and we can meet up.


Okay so you’ve assured me of any concerns so what now of how to get an installation arranged vis a vis design of the fittings (Hydrovane to Boat) etc and ultimately the actual fitting/installation of the Hydrovane – indeed do you have anyone in Falmouth UK who you feel confident about and could take this on as a turnkey project? I’m not proposing to use the hull fitting as steps as John does if only hopefully to reduce the weight of his construction. Indeed, I’d much prefer the typical Hydrovane tubular fittings.

Again thank you for your quick responses it gives a good deal of comfort to work with obvious professionals.

Best wishes – Paul