Saga 40

“Incidentally over the 20 years I have sailed with the Hydrovane I have found it the most amazing and helpful member of the crew. It never complains or gets tired, doesn’t eat anything and seems to enjoy what it is doing.”

Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 5:01 AM
To: Valerie Williams
Subject: RE: Wind vane cover


Thanks for that. If it lasts 20 years it could possibly see me out!

Incidentally over the 20 years I have sailed with the Hydrovane I have found it the most amazing and helpful member of the crew. It never complains or gets tired, doesn’t eat anything and seems to enjoy what it is doing. On the odd occasion it is a little irritating, ie in light winds when there is an awkward sea running it can lose its way every so often. Mind you it is bound to have a fault it is a woman after all. Mine is Gwendolyn who was John Benn’s granddaughter. [Editor’s note: John Benn is the name of the boat]

Robert H Hamer
Honorary Secretary
Royal Cornwall Yacht Club