Hallberg Rassy 49

“I may write out this delivery; lightning, wind, sinking boat, another autopilot failure and a rogue wave. I love solo sailing? Well, the Hydrovane again the hero. Here she is on the other side of hell.”

From: Dan Alonso
Sent: January 17, 2015
To: John Curry; ‘Sarah Curry’
Subject: Surviving the dream

Hi John and Sarah

Still surviving the dream. I thought you might like this photo. I took this picture on my delivery of Halcyon to her winter berth in Charleston. It’s a sun rise after sailing though two nasty fronts off cape fear. For only 35 knots of wind, it was quite awful. As the second front hit I was also hit a beam by a 35 foot rouge wave in 65 feet of water. I turned a saw a wave as high as the spreaders. I grabbed on the companionway and prepared to roll. It was traveling so fast, Halcyon barely pitched 30 degrees. I may write out this delivery; lightning, wind, sinking boat, another autopilot failure and a rogue wave. I love solo sailing? Well, the Hydrovane again the hero. Here she is on the other side of hell.


