Freedom 40

“The Hydrovane is a wonderful companion who only has one disadvantage: leads to martial strife about the name…”

From: I&G Strathcarron
Sent: July-04-08 3:11 AM
To: Will Curry
Subject: Re: Hydrovane Photos

Hi Will,

The Hydrovane is a wonderful companion who only has one disadvantage: leads to martial strife about the name…

I want to give it a man’s name as it is solid and reliable and does not talk back or let one down, but my wife wants to give it a woman’s name as it is slim and elegant, long-suffering and just gets on with its work without making a big hoo-ha every five seconds.

We have compromised and now call it/him/her the rather unmacho Francis/Frances or now just Franny.

However I got caught out the other day saying “Think I’ll set up the Fran-man.” Her on deck not amused at my amendment, but Fran-girl sounds too woofy even for her.

Yours off the rocks

Ian S.

Lord Strathcarron
s/v Vasco da Gama
Cascais, Portugal