Dufour 375 - Dropdown

“Hydrovane worked perfectly and surprised us totally with the easiness of setting it to the course at first time. Hydrovane kept the course perfectly though the wind and waves changed on the way because of the acceleration zones here between the Canary Islands.”

From: Samuli Siivonen
Sent: March 27, 2015
To: John; Will Curry; Valerie Williams
Subject: Hydrovane experiences

Hi all,

The delivery came as FedEx promised, so it was Monday 23.3 that Jon got it and brought the new crew member aboard s/y C’est la Vie.

On Tuesday Jon (and I) installed it in about 8 hours, so everything was ready on Tuesday evening. That was fast! Usually I’m too optimistic but this time I was prepared for longer time.

So briefly everything went perfectly and I want to give my recommendations about Jon. He gave us very good and nice service.

Today we sailed first 57 nautical miles from Las Palmas Gran Canaria to Morro Jable Fuerteventura in about 20-25 knots wind with apparent wind angle about 60 and quite much waves. Hydrovane worked perfectly and surprised us totally with the easiness of setting it to the course at first time. Hydrovane kept the course perfectly though the wind and waves changed on the way because of the acceleration zones here between the Canary Islands.

Just to let you know that we are very happy and looking forward to sail more with our new crew member.

Thanks for great and fast service! Feel free to use the photos below, and if you want more photos or something else just let us know.
