Beneteau First 285

“My Hydrovane Roxanne, Roxy, has been killing it every day, day after day.”

“Because of Roxanne I charged my batteries using the engine exactly for 2 hours in 16.5 days.”:

From: Piyush Arora
Sent: August 17, 2023
To: Will Curry
Subject: Re: RE: hydrovane issue under way

Hi Hydrovane Team,

I had a successful 16.5 day solo passage to Hawaii. I am now 1000 nm from San Francisco after spending 16 days clawing my way upwind on my return. I expect to see some gale conditions in the next few days unless it softens. My Hydrovane Roxanne, Roxy, has been killing it every day, day after day. I intend to ‘pin her down’ and keep her from getting damaged in case I heave to in 30 ish kts. And just use the ships rudder. Curious to know if I can utilize her in some way to aid while heaving to. Any ideas? I don’t want to leave her free trailing.


Somewhere near 39deg06’ N/145deg30’W

From: Will Curry
Sent: 17 Aug 2023
Subject: RE: RE: hydrovane issue under way

Hi Piyush,

I’ll jump in here as I’m on Euro time. If you plan to heave to you do NOT want to lock the HV rudder. This can put a lot of stress on the shaft and rudder and potentially cause a failure. You should either let the rudder free trail (won’t affect being hove to) or you can engage the vane for being on a close haul on whatever tack you are on. This puts the rudder hard over and should help to bring the bow around. The only time you should lock the rudder is when you are motoring and not using the vane.

Great to hear that Roxy has been performing well. Can we add your email to our website? Hopefully the predicted conditions mellow out a bit. Let us know if you have further questions.

Kind Regards,

Will Curry, BBA


