Bristrol 29.9 - RVG to Hydrovane

“On all points of sail and wind velocities “Hydro” steered a steady course.”

“This trip verified your suspicion that the initial difficulties we encountered, in using the Hydrovane, was due to our inability to adapt to the set up procedure for the Hydrovane after using a RVG unit for twenty years.”

From: Kate Smith
Sent: June-09-11
To: Will Curry
Subject: RE: Hydrovane Report

Good Day Will,

We just completed a trip from Ft. Lauderdale to New York in our Bristol 29.9, and are happy to report that our Hydrovane steered the boat flawlessly. We flew a Code 0 headsail with a full battened mainsail for the entire trip, as the wind speed varied from 5 to 18 knots, close reaching to a dead down wind run. On all points of sail and wind velocities “Hydro” steered a steady course.

This trip verified your suspicion that the initial difficulties we encountered, in using the Hydrovane, was due to our inability to adapt to the set up procedure for the Hydrovane after using a RVG unit for twenty years. You were right, all of our problems were created by operator error. Now that we have exorcised the ghost of the RVG from “Santih”  and her crew the Hydrovane is free to perform to its potential, which exceeds our expectations.

Also, as you predicted the Hydrovane is a much more sophisticated, powerful, and precise unit than the RVG. One additional benefit of the Hydovane is the ability to remove the rudder when we are motoring long distances, and in areas where maneuverability is at a premium. Since our unit is mounted two feet aft of the transom, removing it greatly reduces our turning radius and improves maneuvering in reverse.

I want to thank you for your patience, and the time you have spent instructing me on the use of the Hydrovane. The Hydrovane is an outstanding product, which I unconditionally recommend, but it is the outstanding service that you provide which makes it possible for your customers to realize its potential.

Steve Smith