Island Packet 380

“We would be happy to promote Hydrovane. We brag about it all the time.”

From: Alexis Lynn Evans
Sent: March-23-12
To: Will Curry
Subject: Re: Hydrovane Installation Photo

We would be happy to promote Hydrovane. We brag about it all the time.

Yes center mount looks good but being able to check the water flow is worth it. Actually an offset would probably cause it to hit the arch. We have just barely enough room now but we are glad to have had it and actually there were times where we only used a small GPS to tell course and speed and we saved a bunch of power over use of an autohelp and plotter. That was in the lonely Pacific. Anymore it’s so much more crowded that we need to use the AIS anyway.

Nice to chat with you…

CYAN IP 380-058
in Marina di Ragusa, Sicily for winter